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Exploring Grounds for Sculpture

These photos are from my first trip exploring Grounds for Sculpture. Founded by the sculptor Seward Johnson who is known for his lifelike bronze sculptures.
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7th Annual 100 Day Project

I'm going to participate in the 7th Annual 100 Day Project starts April 7th. I'm not 100% sure if I'll have a specific theme.
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I'm following Joanna Thangiah NSFW

Today I'm following Joanna Thangiah a snarky, funny creator. Self described on her Instagram page as "Feminist art trash, brown, queer, fat & mentally ill. NSFW sometimes."
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Get art in the mail! Who wants a postcard?

Alongside a renewed commitment to updating this blog more, I'm taking advantage of having a space of my own to make some art. In that vein, I'm announcing a new project to share my art with you! I've
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