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July Artist Prompts

This month I decided to gather up the art challenges I usually share in Discord here on my blog. July artist prompts hopefully includes something that sparks you! I use a lot of ongoing challenges in
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July is International Zine Month

International Zine Month July is International Zine Month and Alex Wrekk of Stolen Sharpie Revolution has an excellent list of prompts to follow. You should go follow her! She's on Instagram, Twitter
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One Hundred Rejections

One Hundred Rejections I have given myself a goal of one hundred rejections. Initially it blew my mind when my artist friend Kymba Nijuck told me of her approach. This inspired me to completely steal
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Internal Dialogue | Artist and Curator Talk

I was honored to have this photo from my Isolation Falls series featured in One Twelve Gallery's Internal Dialogue exhibit curated by Michael Kirchoff and Fran Forman. Internal Dialogue | Artist and
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Behind the scenes: Pull a Thread

Behind the scenes: Pull a Thread is a peak into my process. This zine was created for The Monthly Zine Project's (MoZiPro) February 2021 prompt: breathe. The collage on the cover is an artist trading
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Red hills: random journal page 192

Red hills is a mixed media collage from one of my sketchbooks. I especially like how the watercolor pencils show the random tourist brochure in the background.
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I'm following Tussen Kunst

I'm following Tussen Kunst AKA between art and quarantine: a hashtag, a movement, and a creative reflection of our current situation.
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