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Surreal photographs by Chema Madoz

Chema Madoz creates surreal images with her camera. Simple still lives with layers of symbolism. Portraits that reveal more than the person. Her website is in Spanish, but even if you can't read it, there are many more images to check out.
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Inspired by Michelle Kingdom

I am just blown away by this gorgeous embroidery by Michelle Kingdom. A child of the seventies, this style of embroidery reminds me of wall hangings and pillows of that era. It also brings back fond
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Inspired by David Altmejd

David Altmejd uses "plexiglas, quartz, polystyrene, expandable foam, epoxy clay, epoxy gel, resin, synthetic hair, clothing, leather shoes, thread, mirror, plaster, acrylic paint, latex paint, metal wire, glass eyes, sequin, ceramic, synthetic flowers, synthetic branches, glue, gold, feathers, steel, coconuts, aqua resin, burlap, lighting system including fluorescent lights, Sharpie ink, wood, coffee grounds, polyurethane foam" as materials and that's just for one of his large scale sculptural pieces, The Flux and the Puddle.
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Inspired by Jen Lewis

Jen Lewis' series Beauty in Blood features beautiful, lush, colorful photos that are full of life and movement. Seemingly abstract, the fact that they are menstrual blood makes them even more beautiful if that is even possible. As a cisgendered woman, menstrual blood -- the physical representation of the cycle of life; a symbolic transition from childhood; one of the first times we were taught to have shame -- period blood is still often a taboo subject.
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Anatomical Illustrations by Alfonso Elola

Alfonso Elola uses anatomical imagery in his illustrations. His use of soft, colors in the Anatomical Phases combined with the female faces and flowers offers a perfect counterpoint to the exposed skeletal and muscular structures. The skeletons are much more the focus of his Capuchin Objects -- another series that I am really drawn to.
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Anatomy of War by Noah Scalin

Noah Scalin's Anatomy of War is literally a visceral representation of war. Showing the most obvious symbol of war -- a gun -- with soft, fleshy organs. Hardware that is capable of destroying it's own insides.
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Caitlin McCormack Crochets Animal Skeletons

I have an affinity for artists who bring traditionally "female" materials into modern practice. Caitlin McCormack is one of those artists. Glue soaked string is crocheted into imaginary creatures' skeletons.
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