This book is made from rejected collograph and polymer photogravure prints. The collographs have chine-collé of paper dolls. The prints are hand torn and hinged together to make an accordion book. Acrylic paints have been added to the front. The numbers stenciled onto the pages are statistics from America's war in Iraq as of 12.13.2007. 3893 is the number of American soldiers who were killed compared with 36,731 Iraqi soldiers. The changing $477 million number is the amount of money spent on the war. The money is spent so fast, an emulated odometer is used to show the ever increasing number. The 4200 is the total number of American and allied troops killed. The back of the book is covered in photocopy transfers of all of the soldiers name, age, rank and the date they were killed. When displayed the back becomes a war memorial for the fallen. The book is named after the Nick Zedd film of the same name.
War is Menstrual Envy: 12.13.2007