This installation is dedicated to Leo Leiff Roseman, my grandfather, and a true Renaissance man – a doctor, photographer and a poet. His images are altered and bound into a unique book that's stored in the drawer of his microscope case. Customed designed wallpaper, shelves with text from the Tibetan Book of the Dead (re-purposed from the installation, Immortal Veil) and his favorite candy bars combine with other hand made books to create a cohesive offering. In addition to the new assemblage and book, the installation features the short run book, Día de los Muertos: coyuntura crítica, and one of my favorites from the Book of the Week project, Corpse Exquisite. The skelebaby is a very old piece that really needed to be included in the installation.
This altar is a site specific installation that was part of the "Death on the Installment Plan/La Muerte en Plan de Pagos" at Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, San Francisco CA.