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Isolation Falls

Photo of Niagara Falls from the series Isolation Falls by Laura Chenault
Photo of the industrial side of Niagara Falls from the series Isolation Falls by Laura Chenault
Photo of Niagara Falls from the series Isolation Falls by Laura Chenault
Photo of the industrial side of Niagara Falls from the series Isolation Falls by Laura Chenault
Photo of Niagara Falls from the series Isolation Falls by Laura Chenault
Photo of the industrial side of Niagara Falls from the series Isolation Falls by Laura Chenault
Photo of Niagara Falls from the series Isolation Falls by Laura Chenault
Photo of the industrial side of Niagara Falls from the series Isolation Falls by Laura Chenault
Photo of Niagara Falls from the series Isolation Falls by Laura Chenault
Photo of the industrial side of Niagara Falls from the series Isolation Falls by Laura Chenault
Photo of Niagara Falls from the series Isolation Falls by Laura Chenault
Photo of the industrial side of Niagara Falls from the series Isolation Falls by Laura Chenault
Photo of Niagara Falls from the series Isolation Falls by Laura Chenault
Photo of the industrial side of Niagara Falls from the series Isolation Falls by Laura Chenault
Photo of Niagara Falls from the series Isolation Falls by Laura Chenault
Photo of the industrial side of Niagara Falls from the series Isolation Falls by Laura Chenault
Photo of Niagara Falls from the series Isolation Falls by Laura Chenault
Photo of the industrial side of Niagara Falls from the series Isolation Falls by Laura Chenault
Photo of Niagara Falls from the series Isolation Falls by Laura Chenault

Niagara Falls’ nickname is Power City. The power of the river and its beauty contrasts with our industrial complexes. These complexes show both our development and decline. The transition of the water from calm wide river to a national wonder drawing people from around the world is breathtaking. The flowing water connects us both within and outside our bodies, the power lines and the telephone towers connect us physically and in the digital world. When the global pandemic took over our reality itself transformed; a transition to a new insular life, more isolating experience. The tourists are traveling through heavy, old industrial areas that run parallel to the river – an odd juxtaposition that is explored in these photographs. It’s an old city, filled with traditions, so the toy camera and instant film are used to create a nostalgic vibe.

This series is being produced as an offset artist book with support from Arts Services, Inc.

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This program is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrant program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by Arts Services Inc.