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Book of the Week: Week 5, 2010

Viajar Cover
Viajar Detail
Viajar Detail
Viajar Detail
Viajar Detail
Viajar Colophon

I took these pictures on a very rainy Thursday during my commute to and from San Francisco. Being disappointed when I use my phone camera to take documentary type photography, I decided to treat it like a plastic toy camera and play with it a little bit. The pages for the book were simply generated with Photoshop's contact sheet and I formatted the book according to the size I got with a 3 x 3 contact sheet. I spent an entire Friday, well into the wee hours of Saturday, cutting, scoring, folding...

There are a total 310 images in this double-sided accordion book. It creates a visual trail that fits nicely with the journey portrayed. Plain blue paper covers and a simple title & colophon were added to create the most finished piece so far this year.

Size: 2.75 x 2.5 x 3.9 inches
