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I'm Following Bone Lust

Bone Lust is where artist Jana Miller posts photographs of her adventures, art, and creatures she encounters while exploring the Coast of Florida. She shares new work, her bone cleaning process, and a ton of other cool anatomical information!

Skull Sitting on Filigree Tipped Antler Pendant Necklaces by Bone Lust
Skull Sitting on Filigree Tipped Antler Pendant Necklaces

Polyphemus Moth by Bone Lust
Polyphemus Moth

Ornate Filigree Silver Crescent Moon Cameo Set Molar Pendant Necklaces by Bone Lust
Ornate Filigree Silver Crescent Moon Cameo Set Molar Pendant Necklaces

Bobcat Skull by Bone Lust
Bobcat Skull

Raccoon Vertebrae Pendant Necklace by Bone Lust
Raccoon Vertebrae Pendant Necklace

Jana Miller of Bone Lust
Artist Jana Miller of Bone Lust