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Exploring: Albany Bulb Again

I love to shoot still and moving pictures at the Albany Bulb and come here regularly. I love the sculptures made from found materials, the ever changing graffiti, and the gorgeous views of the bay surrounded by indigenous plants. Here are some photos that I've taken since my last post.

Albany Bulb by Laura Chenault

Albany Bulb by Laura Chenault

Albany Bulb by Laura Chenault

Albany Bulb by Laura Chenault

Albany Bulb by Laura Chenault
This one is my desktop right now.

Albany Bulb by Laura Chenault

Albany Bulb by Laura Chenault

Albany Bulb by Laura Chenault

Albany Bulb by Laura Chenault
I learned from the amazing muralist and our client, Mona Caron, that this is a pickle plant and is edible! She really knows her weeds.